Upcoming events.

Speech Contest

Speech Contest

Join us for our 9th Annual African American Achievers Speech Contest! You will leave inspired, motivated, and encouraged by the life stories shared, and by the hard work of our 1st-12th graders. Lets cheer them on and be blown away by stories of pursued dreams!

Our theme this year is, “I have a dream…” We’ll hear about the dreams of different achievers and the dreams of our young people.

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StreetLeader Open Interview Night

StreetLeader Open Interview Night

Calling 14-18 year olds living in the Baring Cross Neighborhood! Looking for a way to make some money in the summer? Want to work with children? Want to grow in your faith, leadership, and communication skills? A job as a StreetLeader at UrbanPromise may be the place for you! Please bring a copy of your birth certificate or social security card and your state id.

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UrbanPromise Celebration and Fundraiser

UrbanPromise Celebration and Fundraiser

Join us for a powerFUL lunch with our leaders! Hear about the light that’s rising in the Baring Cross neighborhood as our StreetLeaders and staff equip our young people academically, spiritually, with life skills, and as servant leaders!

Register by Clicking Here!

11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

NLR Chamber of Commerce Conference Center

100 Main St. North Little Rock, AR 72114

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3rd Annual UrbanPromise Charity Golf Tournament

3rd Annual UrbanPromise Charity Golf Tournament

Thank you for showing your support for UrbanPromise by joining us for our 3rd Annual golf tournament on August 26! This summer we’re employing 20 teenagers in our six-week summer camp program for 1st-8th graders. Proceeds from our golf tournament help us to give our teens their hard-earned paycheck! Help us reach our goal of raising $20,000 by being a sponsor,

Individual registration is $100 per person. To register a team of four, please pay $400 and enter the names of your team members. Hole sponsorship is $150. You can also be a Silver Sponsor at $500, a Gold Sponsor at $1,000, or a Presenting Sponsor at $2,000. You can make those specifications/donations below.

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Work Day with Mamás Unidas

Work Day with Mamás Unidas

This year, Mamás Unidas, a local organization dedicated to helping primarily the Hispanic community learn about higher education in the United States, is foregoing a formal gala in favor of a day of unity, where individuals, businesses, and organizations come together to make a lasting impact in our community. We are excited that they will be serving with us on April 20.

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StreetLeader Open Interview

StreetLeader Open Interview

We're inviting 14–17-year-olds who live off of Pike Avenue in North Little Rock to apply and join a group interview for StreetLeader positions at UrbanPromise. StreetLeaders are teachers, role models, and camp counselors for our 1st-8th grade students in our After-School Programs and Summer Day Camps.

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StreetLeader Camping Trip
to Oct 8

StreetLeader Camping Trip

Another favorite tradition is our annual StreetLeader Camping Trip! Thanks for joining us in prayer for a great time. If you’re interested in helping in some way, email Kristin@urbanpromisearkansas.org.

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